How it all works
The ResellerDynamics private label website builder will have you selling and earning profit in three simple steps.

With the Reseller Dynamics private label website builder, you can sell our award-winning, easy to use website builder under your own name and make an ongoing monthly residual income.
You probably have looked around and found that any quality website builder requires you to have your own support staff, a lot of technical/network skills and expensive website equipment.
With our all-in-one website builder, you have an affordable solution that includes everything that will have you making profits with as few as three customers.
The WebsiteDynamics Private Label website team takes care of all of the day-to-day details, including answering support questions, charging customers, and updating/maintaining servers for your customers' websites. You focus on promoting your private label website builder and getting bigger and bigger checks every month.
One of the most important features of this program is that I now own a website development company and I don't even know anything about coding a website. This is a testament for how simple it is to use the system.
I simply focus on developing business relationships with people and selling them services they need.
J. McMahon
a Reseller Dynamics reseller
I love that WebsiteDynamics keeps adding new features at no extra cost to the client, thus helping to keep the program on the cutting edge of website builders out there today. Plus they take care of all of my customer support and billing for me and send me my payout at the end of the month! It's simple.
Sandra Kelting
a Reseller Dynamics reseller
With the Reseller Dynamics private label website builder you can start selling websites within 24 hours of signing up. To get started, follow the three steps below and at the end, you will have a website builder that is ready to accept new customers for your new online business.
ResellerDynamics is designed so that we take care of everything for you including the software, hardware, hosting, and even the online support for your customers.
When I first came across Website Dynamics four years [ago] I knew next to nothing about how to build a professional-looking website. As a baby boomer, you could say I'm the least likely type to embrace technology, but WebsiteDynamics is so easy to use that that's exactly what happened!
David Harrington
a Reseller Dynamics reseller
The first step on your way to having your own online business selling websites
is to get a domain name for your website builder.
A domain name is the web address that your customers type in to their browser (e.g. Internet Explorer, Firefox or Chrome) to find your website builder.
Choosing the right domain name may seem daunting if you've never done it before but with our help, this can be quick and simple.
If you already have a brand, why not make your reseller domain a branded one. You can add “Designs, Builder, Websites or Web” onto your existing domain to make it geared towards website building. It’s an easy way to have a great domain name that your customers will be familiar with it, and you’ll be more likely to get sales.
Using keywords in your domain name is a proven method to get better SEO rankings and more clicks from potential customers when searching online. Consider using keywords in your domain name like “websites, website builder, website designs, web designs” etc.
We have an idea of what makes a good domain name. Let our team of experts help to find some good domain name options for you! We’ve been doing this for 12+ years and know what makes a good domain name. Whatever your choice, we are here to help!
Once you choose a domain name, ResellerDynamics will start the process of registering the domain name to your website builder.
We tell people to set up their domain name first because it can take up to 48 hours for the domain name to propagate through the Internet. This means that even if you choose your domain name immediately and we set it up immediately, it still takes up to 48 hours for the domain name to be recognized by your browser. This delay is unavoidable as it is how the Internet is designed.
Choose your domain name first so that you can start selling sooner.
The second thing you'll do is set a price for your websites. ResellerDynamics gives you control over
the price you charge to clients. You can choose a price anywhere from $20 to $50 per month.
Getting the right price is important. If you charge too little, you won't make a profit; however, if you charge too much, your clients will get their websites elsewhere.
Unless you have a good reason not to, the fastest and easiest way to get the right price is to use this table. The prices in this table are based on our experience selling websites and what we consider best practices for a website builder business.
The product you are selling is just the website builder and website and does not include any personalized setup or consulting services. This is the most common way to start selling websites and a great way to start a business.
If you help clients with initial design work or you help them setup their website you can charge more and clients will be okay with it. This requires more involvement but generates more profit per customer.
If you provide setup and then help customers maintain their sites then depending on the services you offer, you can charge more. The types of services you could offer include making changes for clients when they ask, helping customers get listed in search engines or helping them drive traffic to their website in other ways.
The last thing you need to do before you start selling websites and earning a recurring income is to choose
a design which comes with pre-written sales copy for your website.
The copy and the design are completely customizable but the first step is to put something out there so that you can send customers to your site and make sales.
To help you start quickly, our copywriters and designers have put together some content on the reseller templates. All you need to do is consider the style that best matches the image and style of selling you wish to use with your website builder.
Persuasive or Direct Selling copy persuades your clients to use your website builder because of the benefits it gives like increasing business sales, pride of ownership and building an online brand. At the same time, it warns about the dangers of not having a website in today's Internet enabled world including that they will be losing customers to competitor's without an online presence.
Informative copy focuses on providing information to your customers so that they can make an informed decision about your website builder. The features and capabilities of the website builder become the main focus of the copy.
Corporate copy focuses on the institution that is your business. It is the least directly persuasive style of copy but if you already have a well recognized brand or organization, this style of copy will help you use that to promote your website builder.
Now that you've set up your reseller website and you have the exact same multi-award winning website builder technology as CityMax. It's now time to get customers.
We want you to know that you are not alone and that we will give you the help you need in developing your business.
ResellerDynamics guides and teaches you many different methods of bringing in customers to your website builder. Our experience with over one thousand resellers tells us that while there are many different ways to bring in customers, some of which have surprised us, there are some well known ways that you can immediately use to start getting customers and create a profitable business within the first month.
Some of the important topics it covers are:
The beauty of your website builder business is that because your success is directly tied to our success, you know that we will do everything we can to make your business grow and provide you with multiple years of income.
The "How to build your website builder business" is just one of the ways we do this. We have many tools built into your website builder administrator that help you monitor your business and manage your customers. This helps you turn visitors into paying customers and keep paying customers staying with your service year after year. You gain the benefit of our 11 year industry knowledge to help you succeed.
The only thing you are responsible for is taking the check that is mailed to you once a month and depositing it into your bank account.
We have monitoring 24 hours a day 7 days a week making sure that you and your customer websites are always up and running.
Trained support staff is dedicated to answering the questions that your customers have about the website building technology.
You get monthly reports and you can get past reports to find out how your business is doing and how it has done in the past.
I started out with a goal of making $2,000 a month from the hosting. I have reached that goal and now have set a new goal of $4,000 a month.
I'm on my way!
a Reseller Dynamics reseller